Former post-doctoral fellow, Chris McTiernan, and current PhD student, Fiona Simpson, spoke at a webinar series organized by the US National Eye Institute’s Office of Regenerative Medicine on their 2020 Sciences Advances paper (DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aba2187).
Congratulations Dr. Edin!
Elle Edin successfully defended her PhD on December 17, 2018 at Uppsala University in Sweden. Elle was co-supervised by Dr. Jöns Hilborn at Uppsala University and by Dr. Griffith at UdeM. Her thesis is entitled “Composite Regenerative Scaffolds” and covers the regeneration of diverse tissues, focusing on re-enervation.
Fiona Simpson Awarded FROUM Master's Scholarship
The University of Montréal's Annual Ophthalmology Research Day took place on June 7, 2018 at CHU St. Justine. Fiona Simpson, a Master's student in the Griffith Lab, was presented with the Master's Scholarship from the "Fonds de Recherche d'Ophtalmologie de l'Université de Montréal". She gave a talk on her research entitled, "Collagen-mimetic-peptide-phosphorylcholine hydrogels in the treatment of corneal alkali burns".
Dr. Griffith featured on Voir Grand
Dr. Griffith was featured in the February 27th episode of Voir Grand. See her speak about her research on corneal regeneration here.
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